Terminal Editing Manual
By brew@carina.unm.edu

Step 1 - Make the map
when you add the actual comm terminal to the map you must do a few things

a. Set the y offset to 512
b. Give the term a permutation # (0-9) depending on what message you
want it to display. You'll see later

Step 2 - Set what kind of objectives the level has (repair,retrieve,rescue..)

Step 3 - If repair is the objective then make sure what you are suppose to
repair is set (check the repair switch box for every repair switch)

Step 4 - Any places you wish to augment on your map in a terminal message
(ie show you a place on the map), you need to place a goal object at that
spot and give it a unique #
This can only be done with pfhorte 1.0d13 and greater.

Step 5 - Your done with the map side of it. At present there is no way to
include terminal messages in the map file itself. Even though pfhorte
1.0d14,15 let you edit messages, it just doesn't work. I've heard
of a way to include them in the shapes file but have not tried it

Step 6 - Use Resedit to open the marathon application. Open the terms
resource fork. You will see resource id # starting with 1000.
The second to the last digit (example: 10X0) represents the level
in which the term is to be used where 0 = level 1, 1 = level 2.
The last digit corresponds exactly to the permutation # you set
earlier when you added the actual comm panel to the map.

Step 7 - This is where there might be an easier way but, for your own info,
i've tried to actually write the terms in a word processor, using
a text template in resedit, and direct cutting and pasting, but none
of those methods worked. So what I do is just double click on the
resource that I wanted to edit and do it directly in the hex editor.
No, I didn't type: 1F3A 0D2B ....., I just typed it in using the
right hand margin (you'll see if you've never used it, it's easy)
Although, for a carrige return you do have to put in 0D on the
hex side cause it doesn't recognize it if you just push return.
(I know, it's kinda midevil but I'm a chemical engineer, not a
computer software engineer:)

Step 8 - So once you learn how to put stuff in there (anyway that works for
you) what do you put in there? Well, first let me explain that the
terms have a 'language' There are a few commands and systax's.
The syntax is that you put a command first, then according to that
command, you follow it with text that you want involved with that
command. It will become clearer in a sec, I'm just trying to be
general first.

Here are a list of the commands (well all the ones I've seen and used):

#checkpoint n
#briefing n

Now its starting to become more clear......


When you first go to a term and hit tab, you see this brief message about
where you are or what term you are using along with the marathon logo.
Well, the text that follows this command is displayed with that logo.
I think it is the first command on all terms and is required.


The text that follows this command is always displayed, no matter what


The text that follows this command is displayed only if any mission
objective (the one's that you set earlier) is not completed. If they have
been completed, then it jumps th the next command and skips the text.


The text that follows this is only diplayed if the rescue objective is
completed. (Not sure the exact % of bobs that must be rescued for success
to be triggered) Unlike #unfinished, this will not prevent you from
going to the next level.


Opposite of success.

#checkpoint n

This displays the map centered on the goal number n+1 (goal 1 on the map is
#checkpoint 0) that you put in the map.
Also the text that follows this command is placed next to the map.

#briefing n

The text that follows this is only displayed if the level objective is
finished. This also signifies that after the message is finished being
read, you will be transported to level n (where n=0 is level 1, n=1 is
level 2...) If n=100 the last screen showing the you helping the bob is
displayed, also meaning the game is done. It's a nice way to cleanly end
your map.

A few other things

if you enter $B..........$b, the text in the middle will be bold.
Likewise $U......$u, and $I.......$i are for underline and italic type.
a ; signifies a comment statement of somekind. (Bungie used them to tell
what term and level it was on there first line, you'll see in the example)

The commands cannot be capitalized, they are case sensitive.

As you will see in the example, many objectives can be set.
Bungie always used resource xxx9 for the final term of a level although
it's not required. (example 1059 is the last term in The Rose)

You may have 10 terms max in a level (xxx0-xxx9)

Here is an example of a bungie term (1059), the mission objectives are
rescue and extermination.

Public Access Terminal 8-f<>

You have not sufficiently secured the area. There are civilians who are
still in danger.



You have allowed too many of the civilians to be killed. It is doubtful
that any of the survivors will give us any useful information.


You have done well. The area is secure, and the civilians are now giving
me reports as to what they have seen since the invasion began.
Hopefully, some of their information will become useful.

#briefing 6
The Aliens seem to have been caught off guard by the strength of our
counterattack. This is good news, but I have detected more ships landing
on the Marathon, and I fear that the Aliens are reinforcing their efforts.



I hope this was clear and helpful.