Marathon 2: Durandal has the ability to record games as films for later playback. The film is just like watching a movie of a game of Marathon 2: Durandal. You can fast-forward or slow-motion and you can save the film to disk for watching later. You also have the ability to view the film from any player’s point of view (for a networked game). Due to swift programming, film files only take up about 25k worth of disk space.

Note: Replays were designed with net games in mind. Ya’ know, like, “whoa I just kicked your butt -- we gotta watch that on the replay!” Hence, recording single player games doesn’t work too well. Actually it works fine as long as you don’t restore your game after dying.

Game Recording
Every time a new game is started, Marathon 2 will record that play session into the Marathon 2 film buffer.

You can watch the contents of the Marathon 2 film buffer by clicking Replay Last Film on the main menu.

You can save the contents of the Marathon 2 film buffer to disk as a film file (so you can watch it later, or show it to friends) by clicking Save Last Film on the main menu.

To watch a film you have saved to disk, click Replay Saved Film on the main menu.

Replay Options
To fast-forward during a replay press the right bracket(]) key on the keyboard.

To slow down the playback press the left bracket ([) key.

To change to a different player’s point of view press the delete key.