From The Editor

Here we are again with another issue! How many of you out there have tried Damage Inc. yet? MacSoft's new game pushes the Marathon 2 engine to limits we never even saw with the original version of it, and overall it is a truly great game. I can't decribe it to head over to MacSoft's website <> and pick up the demo if you haven't already. The best news is, last I heard Myth was almost out! Head over to Cyberian Outpost <> or Bungie <> and pre-order it now!

Unfortunately, there is a lot
of bad news concerning the
magazine this issue. To start,
due to the fact that the R-Net
Directory didn't do well at all
it is being junked, as well as
the Marathon Software
Catalog. Although everyone
thought the MSC was a great
source of information, it was
badly out of date, and I have
no time at all to keep it up-to-
date, therefore, it's gone.
Also, we weren't able to do
and interview this issue,
because the Bungie employee
was too busy to give us an
interview, so we're
interviewing someone else
next issue.

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All Rights Reserved.
We will no longer publish the lite version, as the full version has been downsized to be slightly larger than the old lite version. Also, the Marathon Map Rating Club will close its doors after this issue, because our last remaining reviewer, Devon, although he does a great job, won't be enough for the MMRC to survive as he is the only reviewer now. Lastly, our next issue, the September-October issue will be our last, as unfortunately, Marathon's popularity seems to be declining rapidly, and more and more of our readers are cancelling their subscriptions, and nothing is being submitted to the point where I have to do the entire magazine almost by myself, which I can't do. I'm sorry to have to give you the bad news, but please enjoy our last two issues.

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