How to Make your own Background Music
By Durandal

The "Music" file is actually in Quicktime! Change the file type (FileTyper is a great utility for doing this) to type: MooV creator: TVOD You will then be able to listen to all the Music in Marathon, as long as you have Quicktime 2.0. If you don't have Quicktime 2.0, read the Marathon FAQ on how to get it.
So, therefore, any Quicktime 2.0 Movie you create can be played as Background Music on Marathon. Depending on the length of the Movie, it may or may not be playing throughout the entire game. To change a Quicktime 2.0 Music file to BGM format on Marathon, simply use FileTyper to change the type to:
msik and change the creator to 26.2.
May this increase your playing enjoyment with Marathon.

Until Later,