From The Editor

I hope everyone enjoyed the first issue of the all new Marathon Magazine ! This issue might be better than the last...then again, what's better than the premier issue of a magazine? Especially this one! Anyway, a few improvements have been made at the home base since last time. I bought a PowerBase 180 from PowerComputing and yes, I confirm the reports: The internal speakers stink, but all else is GREAT including upgraded graphics designing programs, etc. Like the new logo? Everything is whizzing by compared to my old IIcx, and speech recognition is one heck of a time saver. Marathon is running smoothly now. I tried out Weekend Warrior which was released not long ago, and I didn't think much of it, but I suggest giving it a try anyway. I have also just begun to explore Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and feel that it is very good. Ok, ok, I know I'm boring you to death, so back to the magazine.

First of all, I'd like to give a
big welcome to Face from who has
offered to place his weekly article

"Face the Facts" in each issue of
Marathon Magazine from now on.
Secondly,there are changes in the
way we do interviews : If you
have a Bungie, or Marathon related
question you want answered, or just
want to know more about a Bungie
employee, tell me what or who it is
and I'll consider it for use in a future
interview. I'd appreciate any input
at all you have for the interviews,
and most likely it'll be used, so send
it to me.Thirdly,Trojan, our original
graphics designer, is no longer with
the magazine, so please don't e-mail
him about the magazine anymore.
The position for The New Marathon
Magazine graphics designer is now
open. Lastly, I have a third e-mail
address! Hooray! It is: Will I
©1994-96 Bungie Software Products Corporation. Will I ever stop collecting e-mail
All Rights Reserved. addresses? Only time will tell that

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