Field Programmable Gatorade
The action's faster, the monsters smarter, and the
weapons are, well, quite different.


Marathon isn't much geared toward defending anything. The weapons are
built for attack and you usually have to go to the monsters. And the
puzzles can get a little monotonous. To inject both a little more
strategy and a little more action into the game, I designed a new physics
model. The action's faster, the monster's are smarter and the weapons
are, well, quite different (think landmines).

Not just a semiconducting sports drink

You're liable only to read this file after trying to use the model
and getting clobbered. (I'll assume you all play at total carnage which
is the most fun for this model). First, let me reassure you that all the
levels can be completed, but some will make you remember how hard
Marathon was when you first started playing.
If you want a real surprise, stop reading after this paragraph and
go right to playing. Just run like hell for a safe place at the start of
every level and try experimenting with the second triggers of all the
weapons. If you have trouble with any particular level, consult the
spoilers below.
On a personal note, don't tell my dissertation supervisor and don't
expect much from me in the future. I designed this model with someone
else's game disks. I've deleted the game from my hard drive and returned
the disks so he can play. Since I haven't used this physics model in a
while and I experimented with a variety of them, I may mix up a few of
the facts below.
On to the basics.

Changes to the monsters

Most monsters are now omniscient and can see you from a distance.
They'll come at you pretty quickly from all directions. You may notice
your game play slow down when you first start a level because all the bad
guys are moving around. The best advice when starting a level is to run
for a safe corner (usually a recharge station) where you can knock them
off. Oh. And most of them fly so expect to see things clinging to the
ceiling and shooting at you in the dark.
I don't know what I did to the compilers, but they sometimes get
stuck in walls and/or travel through them. I have no idea what's going
on. So far they are the only ones. (Bob's just fly up and down
oblivious of the laws of space and time (even when they're corpses).
Hulks and juggernauts are now small enough to travel the
passageways. "Try Again" gets very interesting. You might want to
consider adding juggernauts to each level, they're so fun.
I can't remember exactly what I did to the enforcers, but I think
they only carry alien ammo now. You'll have to go into one of the secret
rooms to pick up a weapon. (I kept dying when I ran over an enforcer's
body and the flame thrower changed into an alien weapon).
Oh, I never could get the Bob's to attack, but I did manage to
stop the defense drones from being as helpful as they once were. They
won't fire on anything now unless first fired on (including you). They
shoot plasma overload bursts, so don't get them angry.

Changes to the weapons

Fist. I've changed the fist speed so you can punch the fighters
before they smack you. The fist can also be used to propel you upwards.
[See physics changes below].
Pistol. Altered the ammo in the clip and changed it to emit an
alien shot (can't remember which). Not a weapon often used, though I
think it can now trip switches.
Machine gun. Emits plasma shots. The most effective weapon, next
to the flame thrower. Can't remember what I did to the grenades.
Fusion Pistol. Can't remember exactly but I think it emits a
compiler bolt in normal operations and a special shot that looks like a
hovering staff bolt on overload. The 'mine' is actually an unused shot
whose velocity has been set to zero. It doesn't do much damage but the
little fellows will just run smack into them and bean themselves. You,
on the other hand, can walk right through them. I've never tried this
model on a networked game, so I don't know if other players can set off
these 'mines.' Let me know. [Disclaimer: Not responsible for any
dehydration in your computer's EEPROM electrolyte replenisher during
network play.] Mines are great for leaving around shield generators to
keep the baddies from getting to you while you take a breath. Try not to
leave more than 32 shots/mines active at any given time. Although the
game won't crash, very strange things will occur...
Flame thrower. This one is a bit of a misnomer because it no longer
shoots flames. The primary trigger shoots plasma overload bursts (in an
interesting pattern) which will quickly kill anything nearby (even a
Juggernaut, so don't stand close). It's not a great distance weapon, but
it'll serve in a pinch. The secondary trigger lays a fusion land mine.
It looks like a plasma bolt on overload that hovers in the air. Don't
stand nearby when it goes off. It'll kill a fighter in one blow and will
probably hurt an 'invincible' player. This is the main weapon of the
model. When aliens start chasing you, run and leave a little trail of
mines, or use them defensively to shore up your hideout. Let the
monsters come to you through a minefield.
Missile launcher. The secondary trigger now shoots cruise
missiles. Like the other mines, they hover right where you shoot them.
This missile is a little more powerful than normal ones and has a large
blast radius. Only if you have full 3x shields will you survive (hiding
behind doors and around corners will do). Use these for the juggernauts
chasing you. (Perhaps a better name for this model would be 'Hey! You
sank my Pfhor!")
Alien weapon. Couldn't really think of anything to improve this
weapon. I mean, what, you want enforcers shooting plasma overload shots
at you?

Actual physics changes

Keep the [CAPS-LOCK] key down to run everywhere. The walking
physics has been changed. You'll now move incredibly fast when you
'walk.' Also, the gravity's been turned off. If you lean down, run
forward and punch, you can fly and climb up walls. This takes care of
solving most of the game's puzzles.

Level Spoilers

Here are some hints for the hardest levels.
Arrival. Run quickly to the right into the large room, punch and
open the secret panel in the top corner. After that, you can shoot
everything one at a time.
Bigger Guns Nearby. You have to kill all the fighters right away.
Kill the two or three that you find immediately, pick up the boxes of
ammo closest to you, then situate yourself so that they have to come at
you one at a time through a narrow passage, then punch them one at a
time. If any get around the one in front, you're finished.
Couch Fishing. Go down to the end of the hall adjacent to the room
with the compiler in it (lower right on map). Turn around and shoot
everything. The trick of getting all the Pfhor to fall into the chasm
under the giant door will no longer work, so you have to clear out the
big rooms by force.
The Rose. Don't run anywhere right away. You'll have to kill the
two fighters that are now standing just outside the windows. And their
friends (as well as defense drones) will come up the lift.
Smells like Napalm. Run for the shield generator, turn around and
shoot. Most of them will come right at you. Don't forget to pick up the
flame thrower (it's easy when you 'walk').
Cool Fusion. Get to the 2x generator ASAP. Pfhor will drop out of
the ceiling soon.
G4 Sunbathing. Get to the shield generator ASAP and lay mines with
the fusion pistol. Run around the big open rooms for ammo at your own risk.
Blaspheme Quarantine. As usual, use the first lift to trap and
shoot everything (put a bunch of fusion mines in its narrow hallway).
Bob-B-Q. There's a small circular room with one fighter on the
right side of the map (below it is the entrance for the snaking passage
to a shield generator). The only way I've survived is to run immediately
for this circular room using the flame thrower to lay mines. Be
careful. Some of the Bobs are under the floor and can pop up to set off
the mines, so don't start right away. Line mines up and down the hallway
outside the smaller O shaped room and then hide in that room to avoid
enemy fire and go out to periodically lay new mines. This takes a long
time. Then go for the shield generator (laying mines behind you).
You'll have to clear out some ledges. It helps to have 2x shields from
the previous level.
Fire! Fire! etc... Run for the shield generator in the room next
to you. Lay mines in the entrance way and wait. Some troopers will
eventually get to you. Don't go out after them.
Habe Quiddam. One of the most frustrating. Run for the shield
generator right away, laying mines behind you. There's a long corridor
above the generator. Hide there and lay mines both in front and back.
Wait. Keep luring the Pfhor back there.
Pfhor Your Eyes Only. Use cruise missiles and fusion mines to stop
the onslaught (hide from the blast around the corner). Go straight down
the corridor to get to the room with the shield generator. Don't waste
time trying to save your game (you can get trapped in that room).
Remember to shoot everything off the ledge and use mines and strategic
retreats to kill monsters that are far off without getting hurt.
Remember to grab an alien weapon from the secret room if you want to use
it (hell, collect the set).
Unpfhorgiven. Run out as far as you can, then retreat while laying
mines. Repeat at 350 degrees until done.
Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones... Beware of all drones. Don't
leave too many mines laying about or one will run into it. When you
first start, don't go anywhere. Blast the two enforcers that at you,
then turn and shoot the floating trooper. Try to get one of the drones
between you and an alien to it will wake up when it's hit. Jump down
into the pit after you're sure the other trooper is dead. Actually,
you'll need to go down the lift first, leave a cruise missile outside the
door, open it, run back to the lift and then shoot to draw all the aliens
out. Otherwise, they can come up the lift after you (remember to always
protect your flank in this version). The same missile trick can be used
to clear out other rooms. Remember to pick up the invincibility and
immediately 'walk' back to the teleporter to leave the level.
Eupfhoria... Run like hell for the shield generator using the
flamethrower to clear a path. Don't lay mines because they will hurt you
through the invincibility. You can do it methodically by going from room
to room but it's a lot trickier. Remember to lay mines in the hallways
leading to the generator. If you don't, wasps will get through.
Pfhoraphobia. Tough. Lay mines at the secret entrance to get the
fighters that are running at you behind the door, then quickly go into
the room with the compilers and kill all three (leave some mines behind
you). After that, no game is ever the same but here are some things you
can do. Crisscross the giant platform with mines so that the compiler
that tries to come up on it will get clobbered. Lay mines all along the
double doors, then encourage the aliens to follow you (missile mines work
too, but make sure you don't waste them on just one monster). I'll let
you discover the rest.
Ain't Got Time Pfhor This... It helps to have the invisibility and
infravision before getting here. Use the flame thrower (it won't have to
reload as quickly as the machine gun) to kill all the wasps, then
recharge. Wait a long time, then go into the main room. Open the door,
take a look but don't go in and run back. With any luck the troopers
have killed each other. If not, they can easily kill you right here
(esp. if the door closes behind you) and there isn't much time to lay mines.
Try Again. If you want to save your game then do it right away,
then fly across the room to the far right door, begin laying mines and
running everywhere. Don't ever stop. The juggernauts can corner you in
the halls quite easily. The best level in my opinion.

Fun Variations

Change the fusion pistol to shoot compiler bolts (they knock the bad
guys back farther than anything else and disorient them). Change the
fusion overload to fire fast moving grenades that aren't affected by
gravity and have a large damage radius (a good distance weapon). Pump up
the gravity on the wasps and watch the little *(&#$%#$'s scuttle
helplessly along the floor.


If you like the physics model, then check out my Persistence of
Phosphor Screen Saver. A demo has been uploaded to Sumex and you can
request a copy by emailing IMP@EDEN.COM. It's the only screen saver to
support everything from 32bit color animation to 1 bit pattern

Wade Riddick
"Mommy, why is there a 'Mac' in 'EMACS'?"


* The name for this model was suggested by one of the analysts on the
financial news channel CNBC. He was making a joke about the hi tech
companies that made products he couldn't understand. Sorry, but 'field
programmable Gatorade' isn't a real product although I will take orders
for it (expect a high book-to-bill ratio).