There is a secret room in the bottom rightmost room on the map...
Make sure you approach the room from the right side (you need to open a door to enter the room). Then, with the door open, take a step or three back to get a running start, then immediately as you get into the room, break into a 180 degree turn to the left and land
on the small ledge in the middle of the room. One tap of the action key later will get you a clip of each type of ammo. Aaron Bergman ( suggests that you also jump across to the small ledge on the other side of the room, follow it around, and make a small jump back to the right ledge and then on to the secret room.
Bigger Guns Nearby
There are two corridors that can only be reached by grenade hopping. The first is near the switch that activated the stairs, as show below:
| | V| \
+ Switch | | \
| | | \
+-----------+--+ |
| |
Stairs | |
+---|----+ | |
| |V| | | | |
| |_|_| |__| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| +---+---+------------+
| | | |
| | | <--High Corridor
| | | |
To reach the corridor, back up as much as possible from it, then
follow the directions given above for grenade hopping. Be careful!
There are two shadowed compilers up there, ready to give you a
beating. There is also a good supply of ammo. (Joshua D.
Koppelman -
The other corridor is between the two Biovents, and contains
some infrared goggles.
Never Burn Money
Two of the circuit boards that you need are located on the lower
floor in the upper portion of the map. There are several panels
that have a picture of a hand on them: use your action key to
open them, and stand as close as possible to pick up whatever is
inside. There should be 6 of these to check. The third piece
is located in the other section of the level, after you've gone up
the elevator and passed through that long dark hallway. You
need to have the central platform moving, so from there,
try to land on each of the 4 niches. You'll know when you hit
the right one, because an elevator will take you to another floor,
where you need to hit a button and return back to the platform:
one of the niches will now be opened, and all you have to do is
get to the board and teleport out.
There is a secret room located along the dark corridor connecting
the two parts of the level. WARNING: getting out of this room
is not trivial. Be sure to only use a saved game before entering
it. Anyway, the door is located just left of the pylon
on the right wall where the passage begins to narrow. Enter
the passage, but don't go too far - you want to stay on the
ledge you are on. You are now viewing the Deprivation Chamber.
Look down and kill any aliens you see on the platform below and
in front of you. Run and land on this platform, and quickly
turn around and destroy any aliens that are coming towards you
or any on the other two platforms. Charge your shields up to 3x
strength (!). Jump down, and gather the ammo WITHOUT getting
the invicibility yet. Make sure your MA75 is full of grenades
(i.e. waste a few to reload a new pack). Now, the tricky part, so
read all directions before continuing: pick up the invicibility,
and head towards where you came in. Line yourself up facing
the niche with the teleporter, the long wall on your left.
Turn slightly into the wall, and aim all the way down. Run forward, and immediately launch a grenade (keep your aim down!). As you start to fall from this hop, launch another grenade. Repeat
a few more times, until you are on the niche with the teleporter.
If you miss, and you weren't slow, you can probably try again
without running out of invincibility, or your full 3x shields
should be sufficient for another try. Anyway, once you've hit
the teleporter, you'll be rewarded with ammo and a VERY strange
story from a computer terminal.
From Chris Murphy:
There is a hidden room located in a dark alcove to the west
of the 'upside down cross' feature on the map that has a terminal on one end of it. The room is in the Northwest corner of the alcove and contains only two pistol clips and perhaps a machine gun clip. The room is too thin to fit into but by standing next to the entrance you can pick up the ammo. Could be the difference between life and death if you are playing on a high difficulty, otherwise it isn't worth the time.

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