What is Marathon?
*Graphic provided by Briareos N@aol.com
Marathon is a 3-D first person shoot-em-up type game by Bungie Software Products Corporation. Its features include (from the DON’T READ THIS file of the demo):
• Texture Mapped 3-D, Continuous-Motion Graphics
• Active Panning Stereo Sound
• In-Your-Face Network Carnage
• Digital Soundtrack
• Dynamic Sensing Artificial Intelligence
• Interactive Lighting Effects
• Full screen graphics with 5 Degrees of Freedom
• “Live” Automapping Feature
• High Resolution graphics in 8 or 16 bit color
It requires the following:
• Macintosh 68020 or higher [68040 or faster recommended]
• 8-Bit (256) Color display
• System 6.0.5 or higher
• 3 Meg of free RAM [6 Meg or more recommended]
• Hard Drive
• Networking requires System 7
• 13” or bigger color or gray scale screen
1. The story so far…
From the DON’T READ THIS file of the demo (see also the game documentation):
You are a security officer aboard the interstellar colony ship Marathon. You are returning from the colony when the aliens simultaneously attack your shuttle and the Marathon. You manage to get into an escape pod, and arrive at the Marathon about a half hour after the Alien attack has begun.
Armed only with a pistol, and guided by Leela, one of the shipboard Artificial Intelligences, you are the last chance to save the Marathon and the colony from the attacking aliens.
2. Where can I get it?
A) Marathon Demo
The demo is available on sumex-aim.stanford.edu, umich.edu and all their mirrors. And there are plenty of other sites that have it, such as WWW page The real game is a commercial package and should be available everywhere now.
B) Sound Manager 3.0
Sound Manager 3.0 can be found in ftp.support.apple.com at ftp://ftp.support.apple.com//pub/Apple SW Updates/Macintosh/Supplemental System Software
C) QuickTime 2.0 & QuickTime Musical Instruments
These files can be acquired from ftp.radius.com:
1. hook up to ftp.radius.com
2. go to pub/radius/software/mac/Videovision
3. download VVision2.0Images.sea.hqx (this file is almost 3 megs)
4. download DiskDup+.sea.hqx
5. log off and expand both of the files
6. double click on DiskDup+.
7. When it says “looking for master,” click on “hard drive” and select “System Extensions v.2.0” from the new “VideoVision 2.0 Images” folder. When it says “looking for copy,” insert an HD disk that you don’t need into the machine.
8. When it’s done (I got an error message for the verify process; it worked fine when I ignored it), quit and double click on your HD floppy disk. Among other files, QuickTime 2.0 should now be on the disk. Copy it to your Extensions folder and delete or move your existing QuickTime extension.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 with the “VidVision Installer v.2.0” file instead of the “System Extensions v.2.0” file used last time. And this time, instead of getting QuickTime 2.0 on your disk, you should have a copy of QuickTime Musical Instruments.
An alternative route:
4. decode the hqx sea file if necessary.
5. use some disk image mounter; I recommend ShrinkWrap* by Chad Magendanz, but mountImage, Drop%Disk, etc.... should be fine.
6. On one of the disks is QT2.0 & the PowerPlug for PPCs. On another in the Musical instruments file.
3. Bungie’s address
Bungie Software Products Corporation
P.O. Box 7877
Chicago, Il 60680-7877
(312) 563-6200
Fax: (312) 563-0545
America Online: Bungie1
eWorld: BungieCorp
AppleLink: BUNGIE
Internet: BUNGIE1@aol.com

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