Cheating . . .
1. Starting at any level
By holding down the command and option keys while pressing the Begin New Game -button, you can start your game at any level. Enter a number from 1 to 35 in the box.
2. Editing the save game file
Eggert Thorlacius ( has written Marathon Cheat 2.5, which lets you give yourself 32000 of any weapon/ammo item in Marathon (see Programs)
3. Keyboard codes
THESE WORK ON THE BETA (perhaps gamma) ONLY!!! The do NOT work on the demo.
By typing these codes slowly (about 1 key/second) while holding down the control key, you get a get the effects described in the following table:
pzbxay gives one an “alien weapon”
fisheye gives one a fisheye pov
aslag gives one the rocket launcher
ammo replenishes one’s ammunition
havesome makes one invincible for a short time
level shows one the NEXT two levels
4. Network game patch
You can ResEdit the Marathon Demo application to let yourselves play more than 5 minutes of network game (info supplied by Kevin Unck). Note that the “5 minutes” in the dialog box will not change; it will always say 5 minutes. Also, there is a tiny application “Marathon Demo Network Hack” to do this patch. I have heard reports that these two patched don’t work under some configurations. If they don’t seem to work for you, try the “Marathon Demo Network Hack” application.
A) 680x0-based Macs
Find the following offset if CODE 16: 000DC0.
The value in the demo is 0000 2328. This represents 5 minutes. If you want unlimited time change 0000 2328 to 7FFF FFFF. If you want to change the time limit of the game, you need to calculate the hex value for the time you want to play. Take the minutes you want to play and multiple that by 1800. You then need to convert this number to hex. 10 minutes is 4650. If I get time I will post some more converted times. The hex value that you come up with will replace 2328. If the value is longer than two bytes, it will start replacing the preceding 0000. i.e.. If you want to play a ten minute game, replace 0000 2328 with 0000 4650.
NOTE: You only need to do this to the copy that will gather the net game. The other machine can run a virgin demo.
You can express your appreciation for all my hard work by supporting Bungie and buying the full version. I think it is a great game.
B) PowerMacs
You will need a program that can edit the DATA FORK of the Marathon Demo. Open the DATA FORK. Search for the following hex code: 38C0232890DE000463630000.
For unlimited time change the hex code to read: 38C0FFFF90DE000463637FFF. To set a time limit: 38C0232890DE000463630000, where 2328 is (TIME IN MINUTES * 1800) = 9000 then convert to HEX
So to set a time use the above and remember to convert to hex, then replace the 2328 with the new time limit.
5. Fun with ResEdit
Open the Marathon application with Apple’s ResEdit and check out the following resources: term, TEXT, PICT and perhaps DLOG, too. Especially TEXT 128 is interesting!

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