So, was it yesteray you were saying to yourself you just can't wait for
long awaited release of Bungie's Marathon 20/10 Add-On Pack for Marathon? Well, something has changed . . . .and it ain't good. on the day of Wednesday, July 19th, 1995, Bungie announced that they were cancelling the 20/10 Pack. I've enclosed the Announcement in the Archive Folder, it's in the Marathon 2 Announce folder.
The cause of cenecelling it . . . .they just wanted to make a whole new game, currently titled "Marathon 2: Durandal Is Well Underway".
Bungie specifically said:
"We decided, after much soul-searching, that our customers would be happier with a brand new game than an extension to the old one."
Well, I'm dissapointed, they must have been so close to completion of the 20/10, or they could've had it completed all ready. My point is, they worked so hard on that 20/10 Pack, think of the design, 20 new NET Maps to play on, and I have to admit, when I sit back and look at the 10 current Bungie Levels, they do put alot of thought and effort into them.
Well, I'd like to hear your opinion on this matter. This is the first of two votes taking place in this premiere issue of Marathon NET Magazine. Votes may and may not be a monthly feature in Marathon NET Magazine, so sometimes there will be some, and others there will not be any votes taking place.
The question is:
"Do You Think Bungie Made The Right Decision?"
I'd like to hear your opinion on this matter via E-Mail, just make sure you subject it "20/10 Pack Vote". Here is an example of what to write:
No, I do not suppot Bungie's decision to cancell the 20/10 Pack.
Yes, I do support Bungie's decision to cancell the 20/10 Pack.
Send all votes to martensd@cadvision.com.
the voting dead line is Saturday, August 13th, 1995. If this does not take off accordingly to plans, I will continue to take in votes, then have the results in the September Issue of Marathon NET Magazine. (If I extend the dead line, it'll be said so in the next (August) issue of Marathon NET Magazine.)
The voting results will be published in the next (August) issue of Marathon NET Magazine.