Sure, it's been a long time since the SanFrancisco MacWorld Meyhem
Tournament took place . . .but I thought I'd just like to recap of what
took place at it. In the Archive Folder I've enclosed the tournament films, they are in the MW Marathon Meyhem Tourn. folder. In the MacWorld SF Tournament Replays window, if you view it "By Name", the following table will be in the same order as they are in the window. Here is some info on the matches in the in the MW Marathon Meyhem Tourn. folder:
Round Map # of Players
2nd 5D Space 5
2nd Spiral Death 5
2nd What Goes Up, Must Come Down 5
3rd Mars Needs Women 4
3rd Waldo World Arena 5
Finals Game #1 Carnage Palace Deluxe 2
Finals Game #2 Waldo World Arena 2
Finals Game #3 Mars Needs Women 2
Note: In the Finals . . .the match was Shadow vs. Cybernator
Celebrity Match Mars Needs Women 5
Last Game At MW E Equals MC What! 5
1st Place Winner at the MW Meyhem Tournament: Michael Garrison
2nd Place Winner at the MW Meyhem Tournament: Luke Campbell.
Well, sure, it was a long time ago . . .but, if your a NET player in need of some strategy, view these replays and watch the pro's go at it. You can learn from these guys. If you just sit back and observe each players different strategy to the game. While some are smart and think, others just run around shooting blind. Both work, but will you win running around wasting ammo? So, if your in need, watch these.