Programs . . .
Marathon Cheat 2.5
By Eggert Thorlacius
Marathon saved games can be edited with this. Note that the version 2.5 is for the real game, 1.0 is for the Demo. This works great and never hangs. You can give yourself more ammo, invisibility etc.
Pfhorte 1.0d18
Pfhorte 1.0d18 is one of the map editors for Marathon. It lets you make maps from scratch plus edit existing ones. It is a very awesome program, requiring little time to learn.
Mia! 1.0b18
Mia is a complete, full-featured, and easy to use editor that lets you create and edit Marathon maps. It uses the polygon as its base unit, freeing you from messing with points and lines.
****************************************************When learning to make maps, learn Mia! and Pfhorte. They are both outstanding porgrams and each have their own qualities that set them apart from the others.
OPE v1.3
OPE, the Object Placement Editor, allows you to create aliens, guns, and ammo in Marathon levels. You can choose to put them in randomly or in their set spots. You can also change the replenishment frequencies. A very handy program to have.
Marathon Physics Model Editor 1.1
By Michael Hanson
This is a great tool with which you can change many aspects of the game You can make the pistol fire missiles at a rapid rate, you can remove the gravity, you can make Bobs hostile… This is almost a must if you play Marathon.
Marathon Kit
By Sean Hollick
This is not actually a program; it is a collection of PICT files that contain a map for every level in Marathon. A good aid for beginners.

Marathon v1.0==>v1.1 Updater
Bungie has released an updater that fixes a number of bugs (see Bugs and Conflicts). Besides those already mentioned, Bungie says these have been fixed:
• Some Ram Doubler conflicts were identified and fixed.
• Sometimes changing bit depths or monitors didn’t take effect until quitting and relaunching Marathon; this has been fixed.
• On 12” monitors, 640x400 PowerBooks, etc., the Setup Keys dialog no longer appears with the “OK” button off the screen.
Some enhancements:
• Millions of colors is now an option; check out the smooth lighting effects if you’ve got the hardware (and about 15M RAM).
• Slightly faster rendering code.
• All keyboard controls now work while mouse control is active (turn left/right, look up/down, recenter, etc.)
Many people have complained about the new mouse control, which was changed because of the bug in it. You might need to change the speed of your mouse to a slower setting in order to make the game more playable.
Marathon v1.0-->v1.2 updater
*Note that this updater is for v1.0 of Marathon. You might have to do a reinstall to update it.
• The "Quadra 630 Acceleration" preferences option has been fixed and renamed "Use Hardware Acceleration". Quadra 630, Performa 630, etc. users should enable this option for better speed and visuals.
• Two-player network games with ARA are now possible. Unfortunately even with 14.4k modems between ’040 machines ARA’s CPU load is so heavy that the game becomes extremely slow. We realize this is one of the most awaited changes in v1.1 and that many people will be disappointed by its performance; we are investigating direct modem-to-modem play for future products, but such a patch will *not* be released for Marathon.
• The "A" key will always work now. We swear.
• Players can now leave network games without throwing them out-of-sync.
• Mouse control will no longer occasionally refuse to decline below -15°.
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